Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH
University of Washington
Lisa Carter-Harris, PhD, APRN, ANP-C, FAAN
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Weill Cornell Medical College
Paul Crane, MD, MPH
University of Washington
David R. Crosslin, PhD
Tulane University School of Medicine
Kristen Dams-O'Connor, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai
Joann Elmore, MD, MPH
UCLA School of Medicine
Farhood Farjah, MD, MPH
University of Washington Medical Center
James Floyd, MD, MS
University of Washington
Thomas Gallagher, MD
University of Washington
Shelly Gray, PharmD, MS, AGSF
University of Washington
Kevin A. Hallgren, PhD
University of Washington
Ryan N. Hansen, PharmD, PhD
University of Washington
Andrea Hartzler, PhD
University of Washington
Patrick Heagerty, PhD
University of Washington
Susan Heckbert, MD, PhD, MPH
University of Washington
Gail Jarvik, MD, PhD
University of Washington
Salene MW Jones, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Dirk Keene, MD, PhD
Harborview Medical Center
Larry Kessler, ScD
University of Washington
Predrag Klasjna, PhD
University of Michigan School of Information
Sarah Knerr, PhD, MPH
University of Washington
Andrea LaCroix, PhD
University of California, San Diego
Cecilia Lee, MD, MS
University of Washington
Christoph Lee, MD, MS
University of Washington School of Medicine
Janie Lee, MD, MSc
University of Washington School of Medicine
Joshua M. Liao, MD, MSc, FACP
UW Medicine, University of Washington
Zachary A. Marcum, PhD, PharmD
University of Washington
Jennifer McClure, PhD
Kaiser Permanente Northwest
Sue McCurry, PhD
University of Washington
Elizabeth Micks, MD, MPH
University of Washington
Diana Miglioretti, PhD
School Medicine, University of California, Davis
Tracy Mroz, PhD, OTR/L
University of Washington
Brian D. Nicholson, MSc, PhD
Oxford University
Ann M. O'Hare, MD
University of Washington
Doug Opel, MD, MPH
University of Washington
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Elizabeth Phelan, MD, MS
University of Washington
Harborview Medical Center
Magaly Ramirez, PhD
University of Washington
Susan Reed, MD, MPH
Harborview Medical Center
University of Washington
Laura P. Richardson, MD, MPH
University of Washington
Fred Rivara, MD, MPH
University of Washington
Noah R. Simon, PhD
University of Washington
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Nicholas L. Smith, PhD
University of Washington
Janelle S. Taylor, PhD
University of Toronto
Linda Teri, PhD
University of Washington
Matthew J. Thompson, MD, PhD, MPH
University of Washington
Emily Williams, PhD, MPH
University of Washington
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
Rachel Winer, PhD, MPH
University of Washington
Edwin Wong, PhD
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
University of Washington
Oleg Zaslavsky, PhD, MHA, RN
School of Nursing, University of Washington
Lee-Ching Zhu, MD, MS
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill