New technologies can help more people complete screenings on time.
colorectal cancer, CCHE, cancer screening
KPWHRI’s executive director and scientific division leaders share their career paths, advice.
Women's History Month, women in science, KPWHRI leaders
The HCSRN conference is a venue for collaborative work to improve health and health care.
Health Care Systems Research Network, HCSRN conference
A new primary care approach improves alcohol-related preventive care as well as care for alcohol use disorder.
alcohol, screening, alcohol use disorder
The new comprehensive resource was written from the perspective of patients experiencing ongoing pain.
Use in pregnancy and screening in primary care studied by KPWHRI’s Kiel, Matson, and Lapham
screening, electronic health records, cannabis
How KPWHRI is contributing to better cancer screening and better outcomes for patients.
breast cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, cancer screening, cancer prevention, National Cancer Prevention Month
Land Acknowledgment
Our Seattle offices sit on the occupied land of the Duwamish and by the shared waters of the Coast Salish people, who have been here thousands of years and remain. Learn about practicing land acknowledgment.