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    2024 highlights

    From improving blood pressure to mapping cellular changes in Alzheimer’s, these are the research stories that made headlines over the last year.

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    KPWHRI improves health, well-being, and health equity for our members and all communities through collaborative research and evaluation.

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Welcome to Kaiser Permanente Washington
Health Research Institute

We discover ways to prevent illness and improve treatment.
We're making health and health care better for everyone.



Study measures risks of screening colonoscopies for older adults

The findings can help guide colorectal cancer screening decisions later in life.



Improving pain care by restoring trust

New paper explores how health systems can improve opioid prescribing safety with patient-centered care



ACT Study contributes to understanding Alzheimer’s disease in brain cells

Mapping the disease at the cellular level identifies possible new treatment targets.

Our research

We study health and health care as it happens in everyday settings by everyday people, producing results that are built to work in the real world. We share our results in the public domain to benefit people everywhere.