On a recent podcast from Vox, health policy commentators wondered why U.S. health IT isn’t better. Dr. James Ralston responds.
In our daily lives, we generate a trail of personal data. Dr. Andrea Hartzler is making sure we have a say in how our data are used.
National study by eMERGE researchers—including Drs. David Carrell and Eric B. Larson—compares genetic data to electronic health records.
Group Health’s November 4 launch of OpenNotes gives patients easy access to clinicians’ notes on MyGroupHealth.
Unlike traditional randomized controlled trials—which collect data on carefully selected populations under ideal conditions—pragmatic clinical trials take place in everyday settings and take advantage of existing data sources, such as electronic health records (EHRs). These methods will take center stage this September at the First Seattle Symposium on Health Care Data Analytics.
Electronic health records (EHRs) are one part of the patient-centered medical home. But improved health care quality is related to other aspects of the medical home, not just EHRs, according to an invited editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Overweight Group Health patients with hypertension benefit from ‘pocket dietitian’
Land Acknowledgment
Our Seattle offices sit on the occupied land of the Duwamish and by the shared waters of the Coast Salish people, who have been here thousands of years and remain. Learn about practicing land acknowledgment.